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发表Applied Optics论文:Out-of-plane displacement sensor based on the Talbot effect in angular-modulated double-layer optical gratings.


Based on the Talbot effect of optical gratings, we propose a novel out-of-plane optical displacement sensor with an ultracompact structure, to the best of our knowledge. Using two optical gratings with a slight angle between them, two angular-modulated signals with a phase difference of 90°are obtained associated with a two-quadrant photodetector, which are in sinusoidal relationship with the displacement in the direction perpendicular to the grating plane. Using aninterpolation subdivision circuit with a subdivision factor of 1000, out-of-plane displacement measurement with a resolution of 11.23nm within a range of 1 mm is obtained.

C.G. Xin, Q.Q. Niu, X.C. Ma, Z.Y. Yang et al.,Appl. Opt. 61, 33(2022).